News: Coming soon My pages for care recipients - Smoother communication and collaboration

News: Coming soon My pages for care recipients - Smoother communication and collaboration

Alfa eCare Welfare introduces a new functionality to improve collaboration between care recipients, their relatives and care providers. "Mina sidor" will be launched next year and will revolutionize the way care recipients gain transparency and participation in their care.

We are proud to be able to give you a first sneak peek and information about the upcoming additional function in Alfa eCare Welfare, "My pages", which aims to facilitate and streamline communication between care recipients, relatives and care providers. This function will offer care recipients a smoother handling of care inspection and give them, together with their relatives, greater opportunities to actively participate in care.

My pages will be available to the care recipient in both the mobile phone through an app and on the web.

Important features of My Pages:

  • My visits:
    • The caregiver can easily see their upcoming and yesterday's visits.
    • You can map images to the stakes.
    • The carer can see a picture of the person who arrives.
    • The carer can wish that a certain intervention be canceled with a comment (the cancellation itself takes place in the planning).
  • My absence:
    • The care recipient may wish to be absent on vacation, for example, and these visits are flagged in the planning.
  • My relatives:
    • The care recipient can give access to people (relatives) who can log in and see or do things in the care recipient's name.
    • The caregiver can choose which parts the relative can change and see or just see.
  • My messages:
    • The care provider can send messages from the planning, which the care recipient can then respond to.
    • Option to add attachments etc
    • Safe as it does not pass email systems etc.

Features for Caregivers:

  • The planning:
    • You as a care provider can see on the visit if the care recipient wishes to cancel and when.
    • You can write a message for the visit.
    • You can complete a cancellation.
  • Customer image:
    • You can view the portal as the care recipient does and help add relatives etc.
    • You can communicate via messages to the customer.
  • admin:
    • Customize the platform with your own logo and manage images linked to various care interventions.

You who are already a customer with us and use Alfa eCare Welfare will be able to order My pages as an additional service.

Om of the want to If you are already a customer of Alfa eCare, you are most welcome to book a demo of our operational system Alfa eCare Welfare. Go to the menu under "Our offer" and click on to the right area of ​​activity and submit a notification of interest.

Please note that My Pages is still under development, which means that features and details may be tweaked before the final launch.


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